Monika charcoal on canvas on wood panel 40x30cm private collectionDel pencil on paper private collectionFor Aaron pencil on paper private collectionThe end of the tunnel ballpoint on paper private collectionImprobable balance oil and pencil on paper private collectionInvertebratul pencil on paper private collectionDaemons ink and smoke on paper private collectionAutobiography of a dinosaur pencil and ink on paper 42x30cm FOR SALEVicii la 18 ani pencil on paper private collectionPrincipii esentiale la 18 anipencil on paper 50x35cm FOR SALEEye in the sky charcoal on paper private collectionSomething feminine charcoal on paper private collectionTexture studyTexture studyTexture studyTexture studyCow skullCorn(y)Selfportrait with red bandStudy (red man)FeriStudy - FeriSelfportrait (1996)